I was struck by the audacity of engraving a website address in the stone of this memorial sculpture in Canberra. For the purpose of creating an enduring monument, little could be a worse choice than a website address – subject to so many variables that it seems inappropriate to quite literally cast it in stone.
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![My double latte... and a snack](http://pittwaterphoto.com/files/2010/05/1005c-00091.jpg)
Being normal at Zubi
I wonder if I’ve been spending too much time lately with long focal lengths and macro closeups. I decided to make a bit of a change, inspired by Bruce’s approach to experimenting with different things. So, a new project with a “normal” lens begins (as in focal length, which for me is my manual-focus 35mm f/2.0 lens).
Also – and again inspired by Bruce – I’m going to be shooting wide open or one stop down, to see what happens – it can be a bit hit-or-miss to nail focus wide-open, as digital SLRs don’t have the split-prism viewfinder of the older film SLRs. And finally, I’m going to shoot JPEG instead of RAW, as an experiment to see what happens when I do something I haven’t been doing for a while!
First up was Zubi cafe. Here’s my late-morning coffee, and a few other shots from Zubi. (Click on any image for larger.)
(All photos with my Fuji S5 Pro camera, Nikon 35mm f/2.0 lens, shot at f/2.0.)